2007/11/07 | 地质统计学书籍 Books about Geostatistics
类别(学术资料) | 评论(0) | 阅读(530) | 发表于 20:05

'Practical Geostatistics'

Clark, I.

Applied Science Publishers Ltd, London 1979

ISBN 0-85334-843-X

'Geostatistical Ore Reserve Estimation'.

David, M.

 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, 1977

ISBN 0-444-41609-9 (series) 0-444-41532-7 (vol. 2)

'Handbook of Applied Advanced Geostatistical Ore Reserve Estimation'.

David, M.

Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, 1988

'GSLIB. Geostatistical Software Library and User's Guide'

 Deutch, C.V. and Journel, A.G. Oxford University Press, 1992

ISBN 0-19-507392-4

'Lognormal Kriging - The General Case'.

Dowd, P.A. Mathematical Geology, 1982

'An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics'

Isaaks, E.H. and Srivastava, R.M.Oxford University Press, 1989

ISBN 0-19-505012-6 0-19-505013-4 (pbk.)

'Variogram Calculation and Kriging for Folded Deposits'.

Newton, M.J. Mineral Resource Evaluation' 95 Conference, April 1995

Leeds University, UK

'The Estimation of Means and Associated Confidence Limits for Small Samples from Lognormal Populations'.

Sichel, H.S.

Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Computer Applications in Ore Valuation, Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, March 1966

